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10 Best Books about writing for aspiring Authors

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We know that there are many opinions on what makes great writing, and what works for one person may not work for the next. Writing involves a lot of practice and hard work, and often it can get a little frustrating when you feel like you are not making any progress. But worry no more, we are here to give you some options and inspiration on your writing journey from some of the best books about writing from different successful authors.

1.”On Writing: A Memoir of Craft” by Stephen King

Stephen King has this attitude that if you are going to be a good writer, you need to keep going and accept that quite a lot of times, what you produce is going to be rubbish. But you have to keep revising your work until you get it right. In this book, Stephen talks about his story of becoming a writer, the challenges he faced, and he goes ahead to offer clear advice about everything from the plot, genre, dialogues, and descriptive passages to revisions and the head game. And guess what? It’s a handbook, so you most certainly will not have to sit for long hours reading it.

2. Story by Robert McKee

Whether you are writing for the page or screen, this amazing book will guide you on your writing journey and help break down your ideas to the core of why we write fiction in the first place. McKee structured his advice by broadly stating a principle of writing and then explained the different ways it can be applied. He further illustrates great plot techniques that can help you navigate through your plots, style, and characters.

3. “The Elements of Style” by William Strunk & E.B. White

“The Elements of Style ” is another exciting book on our best books about writing list that should be your go-to if you want your writing to be clear and concise for your intended audience. It is an outstanding example of a particular writing style and helps you understand the importance of simplicity and brevity in writing.

4. Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within by Natalie Goldberg

The book’s title comes from what is aimed at when teaching writing: “writing down the bones,” means striving for the essential, awakening speech of the mind. In this book, Natalie Goldberg takes writers through a journey of self-discovery in writing while encouraging writers to write freely and discover what’s inside of them, to trust their voices and ideas without conforming to other people’s norms. This is an encouraging and motivating book filled with humor and insight and it’ll definitely help you with your writing.

5. On Writing Well by William Zinsser

This book is a classic guide to writing nonfiction stories for aspiring authors and writers. Zinsser gives clear, simple, and precise guidelines on writing styles and clutter-free sentences. It’s a book for everybody who wants to avoid common flaws and mistakes in style.

6. The Forest for the Trees by Betsy Lerner

The Forest for the Trees is an editor’s advice to writers. It motivates writers by helping them get over the fear of the unknown. Betsy Lerner coaches writers with knowledge and sympathy, guiding them not only to discover ways to enhance their productivity in the creative process but also to improve their chances of not just getting published but getting published well.Her book is more about facing self-doubt and overcoming the fear that lives in a person’s mind. The book was quickly established as an essential and enduring companion for aspiring writers when it was first published.

7. Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott

Another book on our best books about writing list is ” Bird by Bird”, by Anne Lamott. This book offers instructions on writing and life. It explores how writers can initiate their writing journey, embrace the imperfections of a first draft, and navigate the psychological challenges of being a writer by sharing her struggles with her relationship and career. Anne encourages writers to start small by detailing events because then they’ll be able to create their own storyline with strong characters.

8. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

Published in 2002, The War of Art is a nonfiction motivational book that focuses on helping writers overcome obstacles that can prevent them from writing, such as fears, self-doubt, and procrastination. It’s a great book for aspiring authors and writers who often question themselves about whether they are on the right track or if they can become great writers. So if you find yourself in self-doubt on your writing journey, don’t hesitate to give this book a shot because you never know, it just may be what you need to lift up your spirits and keep writing.

9. The Writing Life by Annie Dillard

This is a poetic book on the experience of being a writer, with insights into the challenges and creative process. Dillard emphasizes that the writing life demands hard work and endurance and offers deep insight into it. She narrates her own writing experiences as an author, thereby making it relatable to what different writers and aspiring authors have faced on their writing journeys.

10. The Faith of a Writer by Joyce Carol Oates

To wrap up our best books about writing, we bring you Joyce Carol Oates’ “The Faith of a Writer.” Oates advises aspiring writers to not only read widely and utilize life experiences but also discusses the subjects most important to the narrative craft, touching on topics such as inspiration, memory, self-criticism, and “the unique power of the unconscious.” “The Faith of a Writer” provides valuable lessons on how language, ideas, and experience are assembled to create art.

From grammar rules to publishing advice and narratives, these are some of the best books on writing with rich ideas that can support you at the different stages of your writing journey. And because every good writer was first a reader, so read, read, and read some more, and then figure out what works best for your writing journey in terms of genre, style, character, and flow.

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